Wednesday, November 3, 2010

This weekend

What I should be doing: Writing my weekender.

What I am doing: Planning our weekend.

Here's how Joey's schedule probably goes:

1) Design shizz.
2) Watch football and shizz.
3) Eat shizz.
4) Fall asleep to football (and shizz.)


Here's what I thought we could do, I feel as though my blog has become very Chelseacentric, and while I realize I'm part of the narcissistic generation I've decided to start a feature, if you will, called 9 Square Miles. I haven't fact checked it, but I think that's how big Munster is. Breaking news, Wikipedia says it's 7.6 square miles, so I'll go with that because Wikipedia obviously never lies.

So this weekend for my 7.6 square miles feature, here is what I have planned:
1) Get my Lake County Public Library card at the Munster branch.
2) Go to the Munster History Museum.
3) Learn about all the historic homes in Munster and then make Joey find them with me. Also I'd like to find Jacob M(u)nster's General Store...which I think our realtor already showed us.
4) Eat at El Salto because it's paycheck week and that's also in Munster. Or we could venture to a newish restaurant. Suggestions, please? We've already done Three Floyds.